Monday 1 September 2008

Super Furry Animals recruit BBC orchestra for album

Super Furry Animals cause revealed that they have been working with the BBC Concert Orchestra on songs destined for their forthcoming instrumental album.

The banding had previously told NME.COM that they have been working on the implemental album for a issue of years.

Speaking to BBC 6music, the Welsh group revealed that late album roger Huntington Sessions had seen them working on ideas with orchestra members with a view to utilising a full orchestra in the future.

"We did a session with the BBC Concert Orchestra but with core members of it � six-spot or sevener musicians � helping to develop ideas that we can utilization and then adapt to a bigger orchestra in future," frontman Gruff Rhys said.

Speaking around the album as a whole, Rhys added: "We're ploughing in the lead with that and we've got 24 hours of recorded music [done]. It's a typesetter's case of editing it low and getting it to under an hour or some toothsome size."

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